The paper must not exceed 12 pages in length (including all text, figures, and references).

The manuscript must be submitted in pdf format only. Plagiarism (Overall - 5-6%, <2% from single source).

Novel research achievements (Novel problem of work, good quality figures, Trace- outs/flowcharts, Tables, Pseudocodes, Results & comparisons with at least 4 state of the art methods, Results discussion & justifications, Future scope, Citations of latest refereed research articles).

ICCINS 2025 follows a single-blind review process. Hence, the authors must NOT remove the names and affiliations of authors from the paper.

Use a proper tool to convert the resulting source into a pdf document that has only scalable fonts with all fonts embedded.

The images embedded in the paper must not contain transparent pixels (i.e., an alpha-channel of a transparent color) since this could lead to problems when displaying or printing the pdf.

The pdf manuscript must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled.